Chapter Book, 96 pages, ages 5-8
Illustrations by Stephen Schlott
B in the World
Seven-year old B Browning isn’t really sure why one day he feels like wearing overalls and a flannel shirt and the next day he wakes up wishing he could dress like his sister Patti-Anne. What he does know is that the way he looks and the things he likes to do sometimes bother and confuse people, even the people who love him. But it feels just right to B.
A chapter book for children ages 5 and up and the people who love them, the story takes an open-hearted, kids-eyed view of what it means to be “different” and celebrates children for who they are meant to be, not how others want to label them.
B reaches 350 libraries in the U.S. and counting!
elected by Seattle Public Schools as a third grade book that aligns with the state health education standards of their K-5 Gender Book Kit to support teachers health education curriculum. View all the selected books by grade level and download lesson plans here.
"B in the World is a great book for the middle primary reader. It explores themes of inclusion and difference in a fun and readable way about a gender fluid child exploring his female side and struggling with what it means.” — Tracy Flynn, Welcoming Schools, Human Rights Campaign Foundation
“As the parent of a gender non-conforming son, I give B an A! B is a sweet, happy boy with a brave heart and the determination to live his truth and I am delighted to welcome B into our library and our family.”— Pamela Privett, Parent
Available at your independent bookstore or online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.